Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe








Activa un

Escudo Legal

para tí y tu Negocio

Protección Legal para Fundadores y Negocios.

Haz crecer tu negocio con la tranquilidad de estar siempre protegido, garantizando la seguridad de tu empresa y tu patrimonio con una estructura legal sólida

Descubre cómo funciona


Todo negocio comienza con una firma

Y de ahi, crece rápidamente transformándose en algo enorme que necesita una base legal sólida para proteger su estructura, sus fundadores y su visión original

Pero demasiado foco en detalles legales retrasa el crecimiento, mientras que descuidarlos conlleva riesgos.

Esta Trampa Legal cuesta a los fundadores tiempo, dinero y potencial.

Legal Founders es un servicio legal creado por emprendedores que mantiene tu negocio seguro creando una estructura legal adaptativa para que puedas concentrarte en lo importante:

hacer crecer tu empresa y crear valor

02/ Cómo Funciona

Una estructura legal

que se adapta a tu negocio

Más que una firma legal, vamos más allá para apoyar tu crecimiento en cada paso del camino: inversiones, operaciones bancarias, control corporativo, protección de fundadores y planes ESOP. Creamos una base legal sólida y ágil para tu negocio.

Round Sunburst Shape

Base Legal

Constituimos tu empresa o revisamos sus documentos de constitución para asegurar una base sólida y que todos los fundadores estén plenamente cubiertos.

Round Sunburst Shape

Estructura Societaria

Actuamos como secretaría del consejo de administración, garantizando el cumplimiento legal y la cobertura de todos los fundadores con los mejores seguros de cobertura para consejeros

Round Sunburst Shape


Protegemos los intereses de la empresa y sus fundadores en procesos de inversión, M&A y financiación, sin costos adicionales, facilitando la liquidez y preservando los derechos de los fundadores

Round Sunburst Shape

Departamento Legal

Creamos un departamento legal externo con los mejores profesionales en cada rama, ofreciendo cobertura ilimitada para todas las cuestiones legales.

03/ Nuestros servicios

Es hora de modernizar

tus servicios legales

Nuestros Servicios legales componen un Sistema Legal completo y modular, que se adapta a las características de tu empresa, tus procesos y tu sector


02/Secretaria del Consejo

03/Gobierno Corporativo

04/Pacto de Socios

05/Rondas de Inversión


07/Financiación y Bancario


09/Esop Empleados

10/Regulación Online

11/Asesoria legal completa In-House

Documentación sencilla y a mano

Toda tu documentación legal siempre accesible en tu propia nube privada. Todas escrituras, acuerdos y modelos de contrato siempre ordenados, fáciles de entender y a mano

Normativa Global

Tu negocio protegido con independencia de donde ofrezcas tus servicios y de donde sean tus clientes. Cumplimiento de normativa reguladora internacional para que operes seguro y sin barreras

Servicio Legal Operativo 24/7

Sin horarios ni restricciones. Control y protección legal siempre que la necesites, adaptada a las necesidades de agilidad de tu negocio para avanzar rápido

Asesoria Ilimitada

Ya sea para los servicios del Plan Fundadores o el Plan Asesoria In-House, contarás con servicio de asesoria ilimitada para los servicios contratados, sin límite de horas ni de consultas

Sistema Legal adaptado a tu Negocio

Analizamos tu dinámica, tu forma de trabajar, y creamos una estructura legal adaptativa para que cada nuevo hito empresarial vaya acompañado de soporte legal inmediato, sin demoras

04/ Enfoque Propio

Hablamos tu idioma

A diferencia de un despacho de abogados tradicional, Legal Founders es un servicio legal creado por emprendedores que hemos fundado empresas y sabemos qué es lo importante en un negocio: Encontrar Soluciones a Problemas


Trabajamos en equipo junto a tu negocio, como uno más. El objetivo ayudarte a crecer sin obstaculos legales, sin contar las horas


Hablamos el idioma de los negocios y simplificamos las cosas para hacernos entender, no pretendemos crear cátedra


Resolvemos cada reto legal que se ponga por delante, para que puedas centrarte en crecer sin obstáculos


Nuestro equipo está compuesto por fundadores de empresas que han creado startups desde cero y levantado rondas de inversión. Sabemos lo que es un negocio

05/ Beneficios

Activa tu escudo legal

Activa tu escudo legal y

comienza a operar y crecer seguro,

sin preocuparte por la letra pequeña

Nuestros Planes

Protección para Fundadores

Protege tu propio patrimonio personal y tu beneficio dentro de la empresa que tanto has trabajado por crear

Protección para Empresas

Cada nuevo hito empresarial protegido legalmente para que los éxitos no se puedan eclipsar por imprevistos legales

Protección Global

Opera online en cualquier parte del mundo con la tranquilidad de estar cumpliendo la normativa legal de cada pais y sector regulado

¿Listo para empezar?


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Wireframe sphere outline

02/ Cómo Funciona

Una estructura legal

que se adapta a tu negocio

Round Sunburst Shape

Base Legal

Constituimos tu empresa o revisamos sus documentos de constitución para asegurar una base sólida y que todos los fundadores estén plenamente cubiertos.

Round Sunburst Shape

Estructura Societaria

Actuamos como secretaría del consejo de administración, garantizando el cumplimiento legal y la cobertura de todos los fundadores con los mejores seguros de cobertura para consejeros

Round Sunburst Shape


Protegemos los intereses de la empresa y sus fundadores en procesos de inversión, M&A y financiación, sin costos adicionales, facilitando la liquidez y preservando los derechos de los fundadores

Round Sunburst Shape

Departamento Legal

Creamos un departamento legal externo con los mejores profesionales en cada rama, ofreciendo cobertura ilimitada para todas las cuestiones legales.

01/ Sobre Nosotros

Todo negocio

comienza con una firma

Y de ahi, crece rápidamente transformándose en algo enorme que necesita una base legal sólida para proteger su estructura, sus fundadores y su visión original

Pero demasiado foco en detalles legales retrasa el crecimiento, mientras que descuidarlos conlleva riesgos. Esta Trampa Legal cuesta a los fundadores tiempo, dinero y potencial.

Legal Founders es un servicio legal creado por emprendedores que mantiene tu negocio seguro creando una estructura legal adaptativa para que puedas concentrarte en lo importante: hacer crecer tu empresa y crear valor

03/ Servicios

Es hora de modernizar

tus servicios legales

Nuestros Servicios legales componen un Sistema Legal completo y modular, que se adapta a las características de tu empresa, tus procesos y tu sector


02/Secretaria del Consejo

03/Gobierno Corporativo

04/Pacto de Socios

05/Rondas de Inversión


07/Financiación y Bancario


09/Esop Empleados

10/Registro de Marcas

11/Asesoria legal completa

Documentación sencilla y a mano

Toda tu documentación legal siempre accesible en tu propia nube privada. Todas escrituras, acuerdos y modelos de contrato siempre ordenados, fáciles de entender y a mano

Normativa Global

Tu negocio protegido con independencia de donde ofrezcas tus servicios y de donde sean tus clientes. Cumplimiento de normativa reguladora internacional para que operes seguro y sin barreras

Servicio Legal Operativo 24/7

Sin horarios ni restricciones. Control y protección legal siempre que la necesites, adaptada a las necesidades de agilidad de tu negocio para avanzar rápido

Asesoria Ilimitada

Ya sea para los servicios del Plan Fundadores o el Plan Asesoria In-House, contarás con servicio de asesoria ilimitada para los servicios contratados, sin límite de horas ni de consultas

Sistema Legal adaptado a tu Negocio

Analizamos tu dinámica, tu forma de trabajar, y creamos una estructura legal adaptativa para que cada nuevo hito empresarial vaya acompañado de soporte legal inmediato, sin demoras

04/ Enfoque Propio

Hablamos tu idioma

A diferencia de un despacho de abogados tradicional, Legal Founders es un servicio legal creado por emprendedores que hemos fundado empresas y sabemos qué es lo importante en un negocio: Encontrar Soluciones a Problemas


Trabajamos en equipo junto a tu negocio, como uno más. El objetivo ayudarte a crecer sin obstaculos legales, sin contar las horas


Hablamos el idioma de los negocios y simplificamos las cosas para hacernos entender, no pretendemos crear cátedra


Resolvemos cada reto legal que se ponga por delante, para que puedas centrarte en crecer sin obstáculos


Nuestro equipo está compuesto por fundadores de empresas que han creado startups desde cero y levantado rondas de inversión. Sabemos lo que es un negocio

01/ Sobre Nosotros

Todo negocio

comienza con

una firma

Y de ahi, crece rápidamente transformándose en algo enorme que necesita una base legal sólida para proteger su estructura, sus fundadores y su visión original

Pero demasiado foco en detalles legales retrasa el crecimiento, mientras que descuidarlos conlleva riesgos. Esta Trampa Legal cuesta a los fundadores tiempo, dinero y potencial.

Legal Founders es un servicio legal creado por emprendedores que mantiene tu negocio seguro creando una estructura legal adaptativa para que puedas concentrarte en lo importante: hacer crecer tu empresa y crear valor

05/ Beneficios

Activa tu escudo legal

Activa tu escudo legal y

comienza a operar y crecer seguro,

sin preocuparte por la letra pequeña

Nuestros Planes

Protección para Fundadores

Protege tu propio patrimonio personal y tu beneficio dentro de la empresa que tanto has trabajado por crear

Protección para Empresas

Cada nuevo hito empresarial protegido legalmente para que los éxitos no se puedan eclipsar por imprevistos legales

Protección Global

Opera online en cualquier parte del mundo con la tranquilidad de estar cumpliendo la normativa legal de cada pais y sector regulado

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

01/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful. Yet, its foundation and solidity depend on that initial document and all those that follow, which are crucial for protecting the founders and their vision.

Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape

Legal Foundation

A strong legal base is essential to avoid risks and losses. Yet, managing legal matters can slow down progress.

Legal trap

Over-focusing on legal details delays growth, while neglecting them leads to risks. This Legal Trap costs founders time, money, and potential.

Legal Founders

We understand business because we've built startups ourselves. We provide fast, effective legal solutions to minimize risks and keep you focused on growth.


A strong legal base is essential to avoid risks and losses. Yet, managing legal matters can slow down progress.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

Legal Control

Manage your internal affairs with ease through our board secretary services and document management, simplifying processes to match your business’s pace

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


We manage the formation or revision of your company's documents, including incorporation and shareholder agreements, ensuring a solid foundation


Safeguard your business with thorough reviews of agreements with investors, banks, and regulatory bodies.

Legal In-House

Have top-tier legal experts in every field available for any business matter, providing comprehensive support as if you had an in-house legal department

02/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful that needs a solid legal foundation

Yet, its foundation and solidity depend on that initial document and all those that follow, which are crucial for protecting the founders and their vision.

tip of pen writing on paper (b&w) (close-up)

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful that needs a solid legal foundation


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful that needs a solid legal foundation


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

Dolore officia nulla laboris

Voluptate consequat ad anim laborum commodo eiusmod amet officia et proident amet reprehenderit ullamco enim in magna nisi cupidatat non.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


We manage the formation or revision of your company's documents, including incorporation and shareholder agreements, ensuring a solid foundation

Legal Control

Manage your internal affairs with ease through our board secretary services and document management, simplifying processes to match your business’s pace


Safeguard your business with thorough reviews of agreements with investors, banks, and regulatory bodies.

Legal In-House

Have top-tier legal experts in every field available for any business matter, providing comprehensive support as if you had an in-house legal department

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Abstract Shape Black Matte 2 3D Illustration

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful becoming something vast and impactful.

Running a successful business requires a sharp focus on growth and value creation.

Yet, managing legal documents and agreements can be an overwhelming distraction, leading to delayed progress, legal risks, and missed opportunities

We call this the Legal Trap, and it’s costing founders like you valuable time, money, and potential.

We help you protect your business, minimize risks, and streamline essential paperwork, so you can concentrate on what truly matters: growing your company and delivering value.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Running a successful business requires a sharp focus on growth and value creation. Yet, managing legal documents and agreements can be an overwhelming distraction, leading to delayed progress, legal risks, and missed opportunities

We call this the Legal Trap, and it’s costing founders like you valuable time, money, and potential.

We help you protect your business, minimize risks, and streamline essential paperwork, so you can concentrate on what truly matters: growing your company and delivering value.

Let us handle the critical legal work, while you drive your business forward.

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

location icon


From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

A Force Field

of Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

A Force Field

of Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

A Force Field

of Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now

Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Icosahedron Wireframe






About us


entrepreneurs at ease

Legal Protection

for Founders & Business

Legal Protection to help Founders grow their business with peace of mind, guaranteeing the security of their company and assets with a solid legal foundation

Discover how it works

Start now


02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape
Round Sunburst Shape





From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Black and White Concrete Building

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Modern  Architectural Design Of A Building Exterior

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Man Carrying Suitcase

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Modern  Architectural Design Of A Building Exterior

01/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Abstract Shape Black Matte 2 3D Illustration

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Abstract Shape Black Matte 2 3D Illustration

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

Abstract Shape Black Matte 2 3D Illustration

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.

02/ Activate a legal shield

Our unique approuch

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu, gom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful. Very fast, becoming something vast and impactful. Rom there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactfu


02/ Esop Employee Plans

03/ Shareholders agreement

04/ VC Investment

05/ Brand Protection

06/ Board of Directors


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.


Every business starts with a signature

From there, it grows, very fast, becoming something vast and impactful.